Friday 11 March 2016

Candles for Friday 11th March, 2015

Today's specific candle is for the following:
  • may the issues shown in my dream, where a leader of warriors ("knights") spends so much effort getting them a peace conference that no-one notices a fire furn down a nearby forest, be BPM prevented; 
  • may my work on BPM identifying the nonphysical influences in West Asia be successful;
  • BPM resolving the issues around Dad's Estate; 
  • may the US Presidential campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity; 
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, eventually retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrator be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice; 
  • may we have a smooth, timely transition to our new house, including us having all the money, time, energy and other resources we need to move and settle in;
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city; 
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour; 
  • to clear nonBPM units from and send BPM energy to:
     - West Asia / the Middle East;
     - Europe;
     - the USA;
     - East and South East Asia;
     - Africa;
  • may the ceasefire in Syria lead to a true, lasting and BPM peace – and swiftly, and may that peace spread; 
  • may the Peace, Hope, Love and Prosperity Spell be made fully manifest;
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for the Highest Spiritual Good.

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